The wind blew in just the faint scent of rain this morning as the sunrise blazed a glorious crowning glory above the mountains. I no more than made it inside the house and showered after my morning soak in the spa, when the skies let loose. I guess we can’t complain though since it is still warm out.
Marc has not made it out of Bend yet. Indeed, he’s been putting up with daily snow and some temperatures in the teens as he’s struggled to do many maintenance items on mom’s home and both of my kids’ cars. The fix-it man. He managed to get the Freightliner stuck for two days in the back of the lot trying to park the flat bed trailer out of the way. It will be at least another week before I see him. My days stretch out pretty long but I’ve tried to keep busy with my new volunteer job. I hope I can blog about it one day but I am still digesting just how humble it has made me feel to help these seniors who are left with very little beyond their ailments and their old age. It makes my life seem easy by comparison.