Not that we’ve done anything of major note lately; certainly nothing out of the ordinary to blog about. Marc has worked on the axles which will take much tweaking so he is only partially through the process. Next up, he needs the springs which are being made in Redmond, OR before going farther on the install. Since there appears to be a weather window coming up, the decision was made for him to return Mom to Bend starting Tuesday. They will make a couple stops along the way in California, staying with friends and relatives. I will remain in Yuma as with Rocky along, there really isn’t any room for me!
We’ve entertained lots of out of town company lately; ending up last night with RV friends Don & Ellen gathered around the outdoor fire under starry skies as a proper send-off for Mom. We had a wonderful dinner of smoked, slow cooked pork ribs and mom’s great macaroni salad—al fresco of course, under the gazebo. Yuma is finally warming once again after a short two day arctic blast that crippled much of the rest of the nation. Here, it just destroyed some of the vegetable agricultural crops, so expect your veggie prices to jump people.
Mom, Marc and I have spent many hours under the gazebo teaching her to play Mexican Train. She is so enamoured of the game, she went out and bought her own set. In addition, I recently signed up to be a volunteer with a local organization which helps out seniors. I’ve committed to a few days a week starting this week with driving a senior to her eye doctor appointment and also helping to organize, sort and price things for the second big flea market held as a fundraiser. You may recall mom and I having gone to the first one which I previously blogged about. Volunteers get first dibs on the merchandise so it may prove to be worthwhile as well as fun.
Marc and I feel the winds of change coming soon. Having no income is pressing us to consider many options—all of which will require moving on soon from Yuma; probably as soon as the axle replacement can be completed. There will be more about this issue as we sort the options out.