I guess it was bound to happen—get a broken heart from the
absence of a dear pet and one feels as though they must get a replacement. Our
golden boy Tucker is not in any way a lap cat as Derby was so I was missing the
affection terribly. We have always had cats our entire married life but usually
rescue stray adults and have had only one we raised from a kitten, Skitter, our
first cat together.
I made the mistake of making a trip to the Yuma
Humane Society shelter on Marc & I’s 24th anniversary Tuesday to
look at kittens, figuring a young one would be much easier to train to be a
traveling cat. Initially thinking I might want a female, I neglected to look at
one little male who immediately started vocalizing to me as I walked in the
door. Later, when I took Marc back to look at the little black female kitten
she proved to not like to be around other cats so that let her out. We started
at square one, looking at and handling all the kittens until this little guy’s
persistent calls to me insisted I take him out of his cage. Well, with a face
like this, who could resist?
We had to leave him at the shelter so he could be neutered the next day so we finally picked him up late in the afternoon yesterday and right from the start he is proving to be a pistol. Despite having just had the surgery, he rocketed around the RV, currently filled with boxes from us getting it packed to hit the road again; thus finding his new name. He found all the nooks and crannies endlessly fascinating and was just hilarious the first time he saw himself in a mirror.
Rocket is proving to be extremely affectionate and adaptable, meeting Tucker fairly well and taking to the cat condo as his rightful perch and napping place. What a sweet little boy we lucked on to!
My husband and I are transplants to WI from a lifetime in the West. We're now fully retired, but not stopping!. Since we're no longer fulltime RVers, we continue to enjoy our RV on shorter jaunts. We're currently developing a vacation property directly on a northern lake. Much of my free time is spent volunteering for the Humane Society, a highly worthy cause.