October 12th dawned a beautiful Yuma day in more ways than one—daughter Rachael was on her way to stay with us for a short visit! I worked my usual little lady’s breakfast, came home and picked up Marc and we whisked our way quickly to the airport to await her arrival. She looked good and we got caught up during the afternoon and as she helped us prepare dinner.

The next day found us touring Algodones where it didn’t take long for the hawkers to realize they had a neophyte with some money, as Rachael found bobble after bobble she needed to haggle for. We had a wonderful and authentic lunch al fresco at the Paraiso which features a beautiful outdoor garden area. Marc and Rachael lingered for a beer while I scooted off to my dentist for a quick teeth cleaning.

Since the border crossing went quickly getting back into the US, we had time to stop by and allow Rachael to tour the infamous Yuma Territorial Prison. In the museum we took each others’ pictures using the very mirror used in the day to capture the profile view of incoming prisoners. From there, needing some cold water, we stopped by my favorite client Lilly’s, so she could meet Rachael and we could chat a bit. Another home cooked dinner al fresco on our patio followed that evening after our busy day.

Thursday was girl’s day as early in the day I drove Rachael with Derby to her vet appointment. Once back home, I took Rachael on a whirlwind tour of downtown, including the art deco Main Street area of old historic Yuma. We stopped by Lute’s, a former casino but now just restaurant and bar, for lunch after browsing many of the antique stores of downtown. We enjoyed another evening outdoors on our patio with a neighbor for company as we dove into homemade enchiladas.

Saturday, our last full day and night with Rachael we awoke early and had a refreshing morning walk and then piled into the Dodge with guns and ammo for the short trek out into our desert for some target practice. Marc had made some cardboard targets and an improvised stand and he measured out 5, 10 and 20 yard distances. The sun felt broiling as we blazed away but once again we had a fantastic time with our daughter. Saturday afternoon and evening we just kicked back around the house, mostly under the a/c as we have experienced unprecedented triple digit temperatures this week and it finally wore us out!

We barbecued an Alaskan salmon fillet and once again dined al fresco and then hopped across the street to our neighbor’s house for a little more camaraderie and Yuma hospitality.
Sunday was very sad as we watched Rachael checking through security in the early morning hours to fly back and prepare for her following work week. The same can be said for me—time to get back to work, but with memories I will treasure forever of a very special four days. Thanks for coming sweetheart.