Following along the lines of Marc’s sacrifices lately in giving up his toys I am making one of my own. Please be advised that sometime in September, our main website will cease to exist.
The primary way this impacts current readers is that if you are accessing this “What’s New” blog from you will need to bookmark this new direct address:
Please make note of it.
In actuality, we haven’t done much with our main website since we stopped traveling. The format is cumbersome for Marc to work with since it requires Front Page & HTML formatting. However, it does have advantages that I haven’t mastered in Google’s free BlogSpot; for instance, the posting of all the photo story videos. So this is fair warning that if there are pages on our main website you may enjoy and want to refer to in the future please copy them while you have the chance.
We have retained the domain “” since my primary email address is linked to that and the cost is very slight. And who knows? Eventually we may travel again and find need for an extensive website like itchyhitch used to be before falling on hard times, like us.