However, the latest location had him asking if I might be able to accompany him since the duration was to be nearly two months. In late July Marc flew out to Wichita Falls, TX to start an insurance rebuild of fire damaged apartments units owned by the company's owner. They are billing his services out to the insurance company, who is actually the one providing the financing for the rebuild.
About a week after Marc's arrival, I packed up the Saturn, the cat, said goodbye to my folks in Bend after packing up more of our clothing from the RV, and I hit the highways for the 1800 mile jaunt to join him. It was four days of uneventful driving after which I arrived at our new "home", an upscale and newly built suite hotel which features a full kitchen, separate bedroom, weight room, and free laundry. The company had decided that it did not want Marc to take the time to haul the RV here, nor did they want to pay for the fuel for this short of a duration. Motel life isn't great as compared to living in our RV but this place has it over most in that we are comfortable with lots of space and they accept pets too! It's also nice that that there is a barbecue area with two gas barbecues for guest use so we have been taking good advantage of that nearly every night.