And the road goes on forever...

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Sometimes You Just Want a Change

Living in a tiny house there is little I can do to affect any sort of change. I am one of those who previously used to like to move furniture about every six weeks into a new configuration and even buy new furniture every several years if the spirit moved. I’d paint walls; change out decorations. Let me tell you that there is very little movement of furniture in an RV, and a park model trailer doesn’t offer much more.

It all started with a roller blind in the bedroom which wouldn’t retract once pulled down. For too many days I had to manually try and rewind it and it finally got so bad it just had to be folded over the valance rod. It got irritating to the point where it had to be removed and of course, it wouldn’t budge. I ended up hack-sawing it through the middle. A trip to Wal-Mart, and I found the perfect panel curtains; tab tops which would fit onto the current wooden dowel I used for the valances I previously made.

Those valances were throughout and looked like this:

The cream color of the hopsack I had sewn them out of had yellowed over the years and although they still went with the décor, they were no longer the look I was after. After all, this is a beach cottage and that usually means white, white, white!

After installing the bedroom curtains I decided they looked so good I carried them to try on other windows. That required me to splurge and buy curtains for the entire house. Once up, the breezy white was perfect but something was missing. Ah ha…it needed a seaside touch so off I went to the gift store in Charleston for some sea stars. Viola, now I have the perfect seaside retreat!