And the road goes on forever...

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Trading a Fir Tree for a Cactus

What this refers to of course, is that we have been registering the vehicles in Arizona this week. Between the registration and purchasing of so many insurance policies all at once I figure we will be in debt for the next year! And what a month we choose, right? April—tax time too! I had always heard horror stories about how expensive Arizona was to register and insure a vehicle but don’t listen. It’s bunk. Well, it is if you own older vehicles like us. Overall, the rates were comparable or less than Oregon’s, which has a flat rate on licensing excepting for the Freightliner, which was considered commercial, at around $700/year. We were happy to find that onerous rate drop in half here. Another advantage that Arizona offers is the option of buying a five year registration with a substantial discount over the yearly cost. Oregon has a two year plate, period. 

 It was an expensive week but we’re overall happy campers with the state’s fee schedule as Arizona residents.