Winter was supposed to have turned to Spring a few days ago, but it didn’t get the message here in Wisconsin. Our temperatures continue to run about ten degrees below normal and I sit gazing out at falling snow this morning with more possibly to come late this week.
Yes, this has greatly hampered the start of our endeavors on the new property, especially since the climate up north is even worse by 5-10 degrees and much more snow than we have here in our “banana belt”.
So, there’s not a lot of progress to report as yet, other than the fact of as one friend put it: “You’re building your house from inside-out.” Say what? You see, Marc worked on getting our laundry room cabinets built for our current home and since has moved on to tackling those in the less important areas of our new home. He started with the utility room, which will house our washer/dryer, heating system, water heater, pantry, and freezer space. We’re putting uppers above the washer/dryer just like he did in this house.
To make this choice even more agreeable, this type of granite is very dense so more indestructible and on the lower end of the pricing scale. We’ve drawn up our kitchen layout (more on that in a second) and will take it back to the stone yard soon for a price quote. They can hold the stone indefinitely with a deposit and right now have good selection so I am thinking of locking in the price now even though we likely won’t need it for a year. Shipping costs are supposed to continue to go through the roof and this stuff is all imported.
Being math challenged, I was
having a hard time playing on a small scale with our kitchen layout so Marc
finally helped me out by making full size replicas in cardboard that we could
lay out on our current kitchen floor with taped exterior measurements to see
how everything would fit. Unconventional, but it worked, and we were finally
able to put into place all the desired items in their rightful placement! What’s
comical about these photos is that you can see what I’ve lived with as an “island”
for seven years! We never did get around to figuring out what we wanted and by
the time we had it figured we were thinking of an up north place so at this
point, it won’t get done. Islands are expensive and the next buyer can figure
out if they want one. We were moving these pieces around though to try and
figure out our new house island, which will incorporate our butcher block
(minus legs) and be large enough for seating for four. The new kitchen by the way,
will stretch to the wall behind the table/chairs and over to where my current
cabinets sit to give an idea of the size.
Coming up, Marc has an appointment
with the power company field guy on April 24th to ascertain how
power will be brought into the lot. We’re some distance from the main road and
the poles. By then, we hope the ground is thawed and we can get going on
installing the gate, drilling the well and putting in the septic. We’ll haul
the RV there as soon as we can and it stops freezing, to live in this summer.
There is SO much to do; our plates will be full, full, full.