And the road goes on forever...

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


One thing about the desert southwest is vibrant colors are OK and even sought after to add to the ambiance. Instead of looking like a slice of graffiti in the ghetto, colors seem to enhance the natural muted desert tones and create an interesting juxtaposition; an intrigue.

One of the first pleasures of re-feathering my nest here in Yuma was to visit Lowe’s and buy some annuals and some of my favorite flowers—hibiscus and bougainvillea. Now the place looks cheery!

It was a hectic arrival with unpacking some of the things we had brought along in the vehicles; plus Marc added a water softener temporarily to the RV. It will eventually be transferred to the park model once that is set up. We also uncovered the spa and got it going so we’ll be able to enjoy a good hot soak by tomorrow morning. We pruned all the trees and shored and tied up the front Palo Verde which blew down this winter; fertilized everything, and pulled and sprayed the weeds. We put the patio furniture back together and got it arranged for entertaining. We’ve barbecued; and the back of my neck is already sunburned!

Our social calendar is already bulging too. We have four dinner invitations, one of which will be my cousin Dale arriving tomorrow in his motorhome for a couple days in order to cook his Ling cod fish tacos for us, a special treat. It will be a nice visit and likely could involve some cold cervezas and desert hi-jinks like target shooting.

Life is entirely too pleasant here; perfect weather, except for a being a little breezier than we’d like, but warm enough that in early morning just as the sun is about to come up I can sit outside with my first cup of coffee, turn on the water fountain, and listen to the doves cooing. I really do love it here. Now we await enough of the snow going away over the Cascades that the transport truck can finally bring the park model and we can get to work!